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Home » Data digitization » Data digitization

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Data digitization

Data digitization

The complex for entering and storing questionnaires will allow operators to quickly and efficiently enter questionnaires both locally and remotely.
The product includes a link to the directories of SPIS and "Appeals".
The "Requests" directory, on which the business logic of mutual filtering by gender, first name, patronymic, is built, will be offered in the delivery set.
Binding to directories will make further processing and import of data into the corporate CRM system very beneficial. This will be possible by entering the data in a single format, with reference to a single reference reference values.
Here is a typical algorithm for performing work, which is implemented by our company using this product:

1. Sorting (performed by DM Solutions Supervisor):
• Sorting of questionnaires for the presence of the signature of the respondent.
• Application of a stock code stamp on questionnaires for further preparation of the archive.

2. Scanning (performed by DM Solutions Supervisor):
• Scanning questionnaires in the form of separate files with numbering, according to the warehouse code stamp (p. 1)
• Processing of scanned questionnaires at the previous stage using third-party specialized software that generates text files containing a barcode from the questionnaire.
• The name of the text file is the same as the file name of the scanned questionnaire and with the stock number stamp

3. Archive preparation:
This is not an algorithm for the operation of the software package, but, nevertheless, a necessary operation. At this stage, the supervisor forms the stitching of the original questionnaires. We would recommend making it in batches of 500 pieces. and put into boxes. The boxes, in turn, must be numbered with the starting and ending values of the warehouse archive stamp numbers printed on the stitched questionnaires.

4. Data input:
• Operators enter questionnaire data into specially designed forms containing the control business logic, as well as reference, interconnected directories. (SPIS and Appeals).
• Operator logins and passwords are managed by standard DBMS tools (Microsoft SQL Server 2010)
• There is no special distribution of questionnaires between operators.

5. Validation of entered dаta:
• The supervisor has the ability to check all the information entered by operators.
• For editing and correcting information, the same forms and with the same functionality are used as for the input operators described in paragraph 4.
• All corrections made by the supervisor are recorded in the system for further accounting.
• At this stage, together with the client, algorithms are developed for an effective quality control system.

6. Unloading (export) of entered dаta:
Produced by regular means of the data storage system.
The procedure for completing the crosslinks, the entered questionnaires and the conditions for their storage are negotiated separately.